Advancing employment and community participation for persons with significant disabilities
We provide training and technical assistance to those whose work makes an impact on the lives of persons with disabilities and their families in Customized Employment, inclusive workforce strategies, and community access.
Marc Gold & Associates (MG&A) is a network of consultants committed to ensuring the complete participation of people with significant disabilities in their communities.
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Our Partners, Past And Present
“ “I have felt for a long time that we do not get to know our clients well enough before we begin a job search. The Discovery process addresses that concern and the work associated with it provides ample material for a thorough understanding of the job seeker, his skills, his challenges and his personality. I really like the Visual Resume approach for those with the greatest challenges. That, in itself, quickly alerts the prospective employer to the job seeker’s skill sets. Add the Needs Analysis and it will be apparent whether or not the job seeker may make a good fit with that company. I like not taking my job seeker to that first meeting because if there is no interest at all, he/she is saved disappointment. With this approach those with the greatest challenges have representation and a much greater likelihood of employment, especially long term. More work up front equals greater retention [of these individuals] on the back end.””