Systematic Instruction — Marc Gold & Associates

Systematic Instruction

In Systematic Instruction certification, you will apply and demonstrate Systematic Instruction skills and knowledge to train an individual (s) with developmental or intellectual disabilities on job type tasks.  This includes effectively determining Natural Method to perform a job task, conducting Task Analysis, training a learning partner on job tasks using informing strategies appropriately and taking training data on learning partner performance. You will also complete a Job Analysis at an employer site and facilitate training your learning partner using the Seven Phase Sequence and balancing the needs of the learning partner and employer.

Please note that you MUST have attended a Three-day MG&A Systematic Instruction Gateway Training before you may register for certification in Systematic Instruction.  You must also have attended all three days. After attending the training, the cost of pursuing the 20 week certification process is $1000.THIS CERTIFICATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE. The fee for re-certification is $150.00 per area of certification.

Before registering read our:

Systematic Instruction Handbook PDF

For participants, download our:

Systematic Instruction Syllabus