What is Customized Employment?
Customized Employment (CE) is a universal employment strategy that is especially useful for employment seekers with significant life complexities and barriers to employment, such as a severe disability. CE strategies result in competitive, integrated employment that is based on a determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the employment seeker. The specific abilities of the individual are matched to the business needs of an employer. CE is a relationship between an employer and an employee that is negotiated to meet the needs of both parties.[1]
CE is included as a strategy to support individuals with disabilities to obtain employment in the Workforce Opportunity and Innovation Act of 2014.
What Does the Process Look Like?
Discovery: Discovery is a form of qualitative research that seeks to understand who the employment seeker is in as many aspects of life as necessary to inform an effective Customized Plan for Employment (CPE); it is used as an alternative strategy to a comparative assessment or other comparative procedure.
Profile: The Profile is a comprehensive descriptive document that is developed to capture the information gathered during Discovery about the employment seeker. The Profile becomes the written document that informs the Customized Job Development process.
Customized Plan for Employment (CPE): The CPE is a blueprint for employment for the employment seeker. The CPE is developed during a Customized Employment Planning meeting, a meeting that takes place after Discovery is complete and adheres to the values associated with person-directed and person-centered services. The employment seeker along with family, friends, colleagues and agency representatives attend the meeting and the Profile documents are shared, to support the planning process. Interest areas, tasks, specific employers, locations and other considerations that will increase the likelihood of employment success, are included in the CPE.
Visual Resume: A Visual Resume is developed for each employment seeker during the Customized Employment process. The Visual Resume is used to present an employment seeker to a potential employer, in a manner that highlights the best of who they are: their relevant interests, education, employment and volunteer experience, potential contributions to the business, and a specific list of tasks the job seeker has to offer.
Customized Job Development (CJD): The CPE becomes the basis for all CJD activities undertaken for the employment seeker. Job developers use the CPE “blueprint” to identify, engage, negotiate and customize a job, and any conditions for success needed by the employment seeker, with employers.
Disability benefits, financial and budget considerations and concerns may be identified during the Discovery process. These questions and concerns can be addressed by either the Discovery facilitator (if appropriate) or other benefits and financial experts and incorporated into the Customized Employment planning process.
- Brian Dean, Program Developer/Trainer
- Lynda Drake, Parent and Rehab Program Manager
“[The Visual Resume] quickly alerts the prospective employer to the job seeker's skill sets…”
- Margaret Sanderson, Independent Contractor for Vocational Rehabilitation